As a tech enthusiast with a passion for both the digital world and personal wellness, I'm excited to dive into a topic that's close to my heart: Fitness and Wellbeing. My goal is to inspire at least one person to elevate their life quality.
This isn't your ordinary weight loss echo chamber filled with the same old advice from influencers, dieticians, and doctors, nor is it a treasure trove of magical drinks, medicines, and supplements promising instant 6-pack abs. Instead, welcome to a space where practical principles meet actionable best practices designed to enhance your physical health and, by extension, your mental and emotional well-being. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.
To make this process simple and easy to follow, I will lay out just three key principles and habits.
Three Principles
Consistency over a period of time is key and not 90-day challenge or fad diets (Keto, Paleo, and more).
Trust in science, data, and process; not in hype, stories, or myth. Verify everything.
Set goal(s) and track progress on a daily basis
Three Habits
Eat a balanced diet consisting of 90% of whole foods with a mix of Protein (lean), Fat (non-trans), Carbohydrates (complex), and Fiber (vegetables) - apples over apple juice or apple pie
Workout regularly - (a) strength training is key to build muscle strength that will pay rich dividends as you get older (b) increase cardiovascular fitness by training for VO2 max.
Respect circadian rhythm - (a) sleep for 7 - 8 hours (b) minimize food between sunset and sunrise
For inspiration - Anyone can do it by just following these three principles & habits!
Hi, I recently discovered and I have to admit that it was one of the best decisions I've made for my health. After years of searching for effective methods to improve my health, I finally found a place that offers a personalized approach to treatment. The range of services they provide includes both medical and wellness treatments that help not only fight diseases but also improve overall well-being. I recommend it to anyone who wants to feel truly taken care of.